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Cypher Information & Stats

Main URL 6c5qaeiuxi6zxdz2cstigaktut7wxilcmm764mghtmizxocqaycuyxid.onion
Uptime Status Online
Established March 2022
Listings 3,728
Multisig Support Not yet implemented.
2 Factor Authentication Yes
Withdrawal Fee 0.15%
Vendor Bond 500 USD
Vendor Forced PGP Yes
Payment Types Monero (XMR) Bitcoin (BTC)


We are not suprised to see another big market leaving with all their users funds. Its always the same players, the same game but different names. We have been here longer than most markets but it seems the flock always ends up going to the same wolf.

We started our own market after seeing everyone getting fucked so many times by what seems to be the same group of people with the same M.O. Get big quick and exit when it gets too big.

We have worked day and night to get where we are now and are so lucky to have the great vendors and buyers that utilize our platform every day.

We started out silently, growed silently and still are operating the same way. No big ego's here, we are not the best but we are honest and proud to be a service to this community.

For the record:

-We do not have on site wallets.
-All purchases are on a invoice base.
-There is no manual withdrawal, Order finalized? Funds go directly to your payout address, INSTANTLY.
- Become a vendor? Free if you are on recon with 20+ sales.
- FE? If you have more than 250 sales on any market with good standing, you will get it.
- Made a mistake? Shit happens, we will help you out.

We are not here to play games, you take your business to us we will work for you. Every penny is always accounted for. Going to the next wolf? We will see you next time!

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

We would like to welcome each and every vendor of any current or past market to take a chance and register for a vendor account on Cypher Market. We have been here for a while, almost 2 years now without any issues. I will start with listing the benefits:

- No onsite wallet. This means, you do not have to deposit to your wallet account before being able to place an order. You just look for the product you want, and pay the invoice within 24 hours.

- Direct payments, This does not have anything to do with FE but it just means that when an order gets finalized, the funds go directly to the vendor's wallet. You do not need to withdraw it yourself, just set up a payout address and the funds of each finalized order will get sent imediately to that address. You do not have to do anything, just wait for it to arrive in your wallet.

- Super fast support, we are faster than light. If you have any issues, we will solve it within 24 hours.

- No vendor bond if you have a Recon profile with atleast 20 Sales.

- Vendors with more than 250 sales and a >= 95% positive feedback score on other markets get FE privileges.

- No bullshit mentality. You break the rules, we will warn you once, break them again, we will ban you.

We have been here for a while, saw everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. You might have noticed that we are not agressive in promoting our market which has been a choice from the start. We rather have our market grow slow and steady than the opposite so that is what we did. We do not talk shit about other markets, we do not attack them, we even applaud them for the courage and the strenght they have to deal with this shit every day and still smile and say hello.

Allot of markets dissapeared the past few years and its been hard for everyone. We are not new though. We know how this works and everytime a battle seems lost, a phoenix rises from its ashes and makes their predeseccors proud. Every mistake is a learning moment and every lost dollar is learning money.

Opsec is the most important thing we all should enforce. That is why i myself loved WHM, they where rough but they atleast enforced you to keep your self safe. Freedom and health is the only thing money can't buy so be fucking vigilant. Make sure you do not fuck your self. Money seems important untill you place yourself in a situation where it has no value to you anymore. Drugs are cool untill you place yourself in a situation where they are not available to you. If you buy drugs so you can use them yourself, please make sure you know how to use pgp and know the risks of ordering them to your home. If you would like to stop using drugs you are addicted to, please ask for help, it doesnt have to be on here, i am sure there are many place in your country where you can get help to get rid of addiction. If you are a recreational user, please make sure your opsec is on point. You can ask anything you need to know right here on this forum. If you are a seller, re-seller, please make sure you know what you are doing before you actually try to sell anything through a market place. Don't you ever place fast payment before opsec. Make sure every move you make is a move you have thought through, research before execute.

This all is my personal opinion so i would love to hear what you think and the advice you would want to give any person on this forum.

If you want to say something here you think would hurt us, please do. We see all feedback the same: Constructive critisisme.

If you got any leftover money from a sale or purchase, please consider donating it to Dread.

All the best,
Cypher Market support